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A Neighborhood School, A Global Vision.
We empower students to become internationally minded, independent, and inquiry-driven learners, prepared to succeed in the future they create.
Disney is Coming to Lipscomb!
Lipscomb Elementary is proud to announce a new partnership with Disney Musicals in Schools to bring the art of musical theatre to our campus, enhancing our arts programming and fostering collaboration among students, faculty, staff, and the wider community. Through this partnership, we aim to build a sustainable theatre arts program that will become a hallmark of pride at Lipscomb.
Campus Renovations
Our Bond Renovation Project is officially in motion! We’re thrilled to refresh and enhance our building, both inside and out, while preserving the timeless charm that makes our campus so special!
A Dallas ISD Legacy School
Apply by January 31st!
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striving for excellence, leading with pride
the lipscomb way